Private school grants disabled child Ruwaid a full scholarship


Published: 2018-09-23 16:53

Last Updated: 2024-05-17 20:38

Ruwaid has now started school in Zarqa. (Facebook)
Ruwaid has now started school in Zarqa. (Facebook)

Ruwaid from Zarqa, the child who stole the hearts of social media users after being rejected by a private school because of his disability, has finally found a new school.

The four-and-a-half-year-old child joined his peers at a private school in his hometown, after the Ministry of Education helped him receive a full scholarship to continue his studies.

Ruwaid gained social media attention after his mother complained that a private school refused to enrol her son because they claimed “he would scare the other children in his classroom.”

The school that awarded Ruwaid the scholarship said that it covers his tuition fees and books, but excludes transportation to and from school. However, Education Minister Azmi Mahafzah told Roya that he is currently trying to get the school to include transportation as part of the scholarship.

Mahafzah explained that the transportation issue is not a financial one, but that a specialized supervisor would need to be appointed to keep an eye out on Ruwaid on the bus, which is something the school is currently looking into.

According to Article 20 of the Jordanian Constitution, primary education is compulsory for all. However, the percentage of children with special needs in schools remains low.

Jordan has several specialized centres and schools for children with disabilities, such as the Al-Masar Development Services, which is “a unique institution in the Middle East as it pioneers in providing children with special needs with individualized and comprehensive educational and therapeutic services under one roof.”

The Higher Council for Affairs of Persons with Disabilities works tirelessly to ensure that children, especially those with disabilities, are not excluded from the educational system.

The Council believes that including disabled children in the educational system “changes misconceptions about them and instills the concept of acceptance of difference among their peers without disabilities.”