Radiology technician cleared of sexual assault charges in Jordan
Grand Criminal Court has acquitted a radiology technician working at a government hospital of allegations made by a young woman accusing him of sexual assault during an MRI procedure.
After reviewing evidence and witness testimonies, the court ruled the technician not guilty of the charge of indecent assault due to the lack of criminal intent.
Incident Details
According to the public ruling, the woman had visited the hospital with her mother to undergo a brain MRI as she was suffering from excessive electrical discharges.
During the procedure, the woman reportedly experienced dizziness and seizures. She requested assistance from the technician to prevent herself from falling.
The technician approached to support her and laid her on the examination table before calling her mother into the room. After she regained some stability, the woman complained of pain and tingling in her chest area, prompting the technician to place his hand on the affected area and apply pressure as per her guidance to help her breathe.
Subsequently, the woman filed a complaint accusing the technician of inappropriate conduct.
Court’s Findings
The court concluded that the technician’s actions were solely aimed at assisting the patient during a medical emergency and lacked any criminal intent. Therefore, he was acquitted of all charges.
The ruling underscores the importance of careful investigation in cases involving medical professionals and patient interactions.