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The drone and narcotics seized by the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF). (Photo: JAF)

PHOTOS - Army intercepts drug-laden drone
اقرأ بالعربية
اقرأ بالعربية

PHOTOS - Army intercepts drug-laden drone

Published :  
5 hours ago|
Last Updated :  
5 hours ago|

The Jordanian Southern Command thwarted an attempt to smuggle a quantity of drugs via a drone early Monday morning on its western front within its area of responsibility – a statement by the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) said today.

It added that the border guards in the Southern Command, in coordination with military security agencies and the Anti-Narcotics Department, intercepted the illegal drone smuggling attempt.

The rules of engagement were applied, and the drone was shot down within Jordanian territory. The seized materials were then transferred to the relevant authorities.

“The Jordanian Armed Forces will continue to respond decisively and firmly to any threats along the borders and to any attempts to smuggle drugs into the country, aiming to protect its citizens,” the statement concluded.