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The drugs seized by the Jordanian Armed Forces (JAF) after shooting down two drones.

Drone drug smuggling attempt foiled by army
اقرأ بالعربية
اقرأ بالعربية

Drone drug smuggling attempt foiled by army

Published :  
1 day ago|
Last Updated :  
1 day ago|

The Jordanian Armed Forces (Arab Army) said that the Southern Military Region, in coordination with military security forces and the Anti-Narcotics Department, thwarted two attempts to smuggle drugs on Sunday using drones along the western border.

After monitoring and tracking the drones, the rules of engagement were applied, resulting in their downing within Jordanian territory. Upon inspection, the drones were found to be carrying narcotics, which were subsequently handed over to the relevant authorities – per the JAF’s statement.

“The Jordanian Armed Forces will continue to leverage all their resources and capabilities to prevent any form of infiltration and smuggling, using force when necessary, to safeguard the security and stability of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan,” the statement said.