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Jordanian Military Region foils drug smuggling attempt via drone
اقرأ بالعربية
اقرأ بالعربية

Jordanian Military Region foils drug smuggling attempt via drone

Published :  
4 hours ago|
Last Updated :  
4 hours ago|

In the early hours of Friday, the Southern Military Region successfully thwarted an attempt to smuggle a quantity of narcotics using a drone along its western front.

A spokesperson for the Jordanian Armed Forces stated that border guards, in coordination with military security agencies and the Anti-Narcotics Department, intercepted the illegal smuggling attempt.

The spokesperson noted that engagement rules were applied, resulting in the downing of the drone and the recovery of the drugs within Jordanian territory. The seized materials were transferred to the appropriate authorities for further action.

The spokesperson emphasized the Jordanian Armed Forces' commitment to firmly address any threats at the borders and to combat efforts aimed at introducing narcotics into the country and affecting its citizens.