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Prime Minister Dr. Jaafar Hassan

PM Jafar Hassan to ministers: 'Every hour of work is national duty'
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PM Jafar Hassan to ministers: 'Every hour of work is national duty'

Published :  
2 days ago|
Last Updated :  
2 days ago|

In the first session of the Cabinet after taking the constitutional oath, Prime Minister Dr. Jafar Hassan urged ministers to recognize that every hour of work is a duty to the nation and not to fall short by even a minute.

Hassan stated, "The field is our primary workspace, and our continuous interaction with citizens should teach us daily lessons that we reflect in our programs and enhance in service."

He announced that the Cabinet will hold monthly meetings in various governorates, where the ministerial team will follow up on the needs of the province and its sectors, and engage with its residents.

Hassan committed to personally adhering to royal directives, pledging to visit cities, villages, rural areas, and refugee camps weekly to directly address needs and provide swift solutions where possible.

He also revealed plans for a ministerial retreat next Saturday, including the ministry’s secretaries-general, to organize work within a performance measurement system and assess outcomes related to government programs, as part of economic and administrative modernization programs and royal directives.

Hassan highlighted preparations for regular meetings with private sector stakeholders to develop the economic modernization vision across various sectors, ensuring continuous improvement in the implementation of this vision.

He concluded by saying, "I do not ask the impossible, but I request tireless work to achieve everything possible each day, every hour, without delay or hesitation. This is a right owed to every citizen, and we are all accountable to our people and His Majesty the King."