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A Jordanian man votes in parliamentary elections at a polling station in al-Salt near the capital Amman. (September 10, 2024) (Photo: AFP)

Full voter turnout breakdown: Jordan’s 2024 Parliamentary elections

Full voter turnout breakdown: Jordan’s 2024 Parliamentary elections

Published :  
1 week ago|
Last Updated :  
1 week ago|

After the Independent Election Commission (IEC) said that the voting process in the parliamentary elections of Jordan has concluded across all polling stations across the Kingdom, the full voter turnout breakdown by district has been released.

The head of the Independent Election Commission (IEC), Musa Al-Maaytah, said they expect the results of the parliamentary elections to be announced on the morning of Wednesday, September 11, 2024.

The preliminary voter turnout in the parliamentary elections stood at 32.25 percent since the start of the 20th House of Representatives elections in Jordan. 

A total of 1,638,348 voters cast their ballots, including 854,540 men, representing 35.69 percent, and 783,808 women, accounting for 29.18 percent.

Here are the voter turnout percentages by electoral district in Jordan, following the closure of polling stations:

First District in Amman: 19.51%

Second District in Amman: 18.29%

Third District in Amman: 21.78%

First District in Irbid: 34.57%

Second District in Irbid: 42.83%

Zarqa: 21.64%

Ma'an: 60.22%

Tafila: 54.75%

Balqa: 40.75%

Karak: 61.73%

Ajloun: 54.20%

Jerash: 55.24%

Madaba: 47.45%

Aqaba: 38.07%

Mafraq: 52.11%

Northern Badia: 50.62%

Central Badia: 50.84%

Southern Badia: 61.54%

Meanwhile, the commission’s spokesperson, Mohammad Khair Al-Rawashdeh, reported that 44 electoral violations were referred to the public prosecutor during the polling hours.

Al-Rawashdeh added that the most notable violations included breaches of ballot secrecy, misconduct towards committee members, the seizure of a sharp object from a voter, and vote-buying.

He also mentioned five objections related to the voting and counting records, with four filed in Mafraq and one in Zarqa.