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Jordan authorities to crack down on gunfire during elections
اقرأ بالعربية
اقرأ بالعربية

Jordan authorities to crack down on gunfire during elections

Published :  
1 week ago|
Last Updated :  
1 week ago|

Jordanian authorities have been instructed to take legal and administrative action against those who fire gunshots during the upcoming electoral process, following the Firearms and Ammunition Law that criminalizes such acts without justification.

According to Interior Minister Mazen Al-Faraya, offenders will be bound by legal guarantees and will not be released until the designated periods have passed. This measure aims to address the dangerous and unacceptable practice that jeopardizes lives and property, leading to fatalities, injuries, and distress.

Authorities also stressed the importance of addressing illegal vehicle convoys that disrupt traffic during the election period, stating that legal consequences will be enforced for those who violate traffic laws.

The measures are part of broader efforts to maintain security and public order during the elections, ensuring that the Independent Election Commission can carry out its duties effectively.

Jordanians are set to go to the polls on Sept. 10 to elect members of the 20th House of Representatives.