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Palestinian child shot dead by “Israeli” forces near Nablus, West Bank

Palestinian child shot dead by “Israeli” forces near Nablus, West Bank
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اقرأ بالعربية

Palestinian child shot dead by “Israeli” forces near Nablus, West Bank

Published :  
2 weeks ago|
Last Updated :  
2 weeks ago|

A Palestinian girl, 12 years old, was killed on Friday by the Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) during clashes in the village of Qaryut near Nablus in the West Bank – per Roya’s correspondent.

The girl was shot in the chest with live ammunition before succumbing to her injuries.

Earlier, a 34-year-old man was shot in the hand, and another man, 30, sustained bruises after being beaten by “Israeli” settlers in the village.

A group of settlers stormed Qaryut, attacking homes in the southern part of the village, throwing stones and setting fire to nearby land.