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Abu Obaida clarifies details behind death of “Israeli” captive in Gaza (Photo: Reuters)

Abu Obaida clarifies details behind death of “Israeli” captive in Gaza
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Abu Obaida clarifies details behind death of “Israeli” captive in Gaza

Published :  
1 month ago|
Last Updated :  
1 month ago|

An investigation into the death of an “Israeli” captive revealed that a Hamas guard responsible acted out of personal revenge, contrary to established protocols, Abu Obaida reported.

The guard's actions were reportedly driven by the tragic news of his two children being killed in an Israeli Occupation massacre in Gaza.

The incident, which occurred after the guard received the devastating news, has been condemned by Hamas authorities.

They stressed that such behavior contradicts their ethical standards and religious teachings regarding the treatment of prisoners.

Hamas held the Israeli Occupation fully responsible for the suffering endured by its prisoners, attributing it to the adversary's disregard for humane treatment and its continued brutal actions against their people.