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Maria Zakharova

“US should fund its internal security instead of terrorists,” Russian Foreign Ministry

“US should fund its internal security instead of terrorists,” Russian Foreign Ministry

Published :  
2 months ago|
Last Updated :  
2 months ago|

The Russian Foreign Ministry accused the US of funding an attempted assassination against Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

Maria Zakharova, Director of the Information and Press Department of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, commented on statements made by Kirill Budanov, the director of the Ukrainian secret service.

Budanov admitted that Ukrainian Military Intelligence (GRU) had orchestrated an attempt on Putin's life, although it ultimately failed. 

This plot was financially backed by the US, according to Zakharova. She emphasized that such operations would be impossible without US funding, criticizing the allocation of American resources.

"Yesterday, one of the leaders of the Kyiv regime, Budanov, openly admitted that Ukrainian intelligence was planning an attack against the president of Russia,”  Zakharova stated on her Telegram channel. “This attack was prepared, once again, with US funds, without which it would not be possible to plan potentially dangerous activities.”

Zakharova further suggested that the US should redirect its funds towards bolstering its own police forces and services dedicated to maintaining law and order, rather than supplying Ukraine's military efforts. 

"The United States must take stock of its policy of inciting hatred towards political opponents, countries, and peoples, which is sponsoring terrorism. The bell is already ringing in Washington!" Zakharova concluded.

Zakharova's comments allude to the US' failure to protect former US president Donald Trump following the attempt on his life Saturday evening.