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Delta's flight attendant wearing a Palestinian flag pin. (Photo: Social Media)

Anti-Semitic organization doxxes flight attendant for wearing Palestine flag pin

Anti-Semitic organization doxxes flight attendant for wearing Palestine flag pin

Published :  
2 months ago|
Last Updated :  
2 months ago|

American airline Delta has faced backlash on social media after several pro-”Israel” users slammed one of its flight attendants for wearing a Palestinian flag pin on his uniform.

“You can’t make this up” – one user said.  “A flight attendant of Delta was wearing a 'Palestine' pin while working and serving customers.” 

“This should not be allowed,” the tweet claimed, which garnered over 650 thousand views and thousands of engagement. 

American organization “StopAntisemitism” – which claims it focuses on combating anti-semitisim – tracked down the flight attendant and his social media accounts and doxxed him, airing his private information to their 315,000 followers on X.  

The organization is notoriously known for targeting groups and individuals critical of “Israel” and their ongoing aggression against the Gaza Strip. 

“Hey Delta - did you add Palestine as a new summer route?” it said in the tweet. 

“Your customers on a Boston to West Palm Beach flight yesterday were perplexed to see your flight attendant adorning a flag of Palestine pin,” it continued. 

The airline has previously faced backlash earlier in May after the same organization posted another photo of an employee wearing a Palestinian flag pin, after which several pro-”Israeli” activists called on the company to “enforce limits at work locations and by employees during work hours” describing the issue as “asymmetric speech”

Delta has not responded to the criticism in both incidents.