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Mahmoud Nawajaa, the National Committee General Coordinator of the BDS movement

BDS movement condemns far-right exploitation of Gaza

BDS movement condemns far-right exploitation of Gaza

Published :  
3 months ago|
Last Updated :  
3 months ago|

Far-right activists known for their staunch support of “Israel” have shifted their narrative amidst the ongoing aggression in Gaza, drawing both attention and criticism, Middle East Eye reported.

Traditionally aligned with nationalist agendas and concerns over non-white immigration and radical Islam, these activists have recently garnered significant online followings by denouncing “Israel's” military actions in Gaza. 

The shift in their stance coincided with the outbreak of hostilities in Gaza, prompting them to pivot from their previous content, which included white nationalism, COVID-19 conspiracy theories, and support for figures like Donald Trump and Nick Fuentes.

Key among these figures is Jackson Hinkle, self-proclaimed as an "American Conservative Marxist–Leninist," a blend of Marxist-Leninism and Trumpism. 

Known for his provocative statements and anti-establishment rhetoric, Hinkle's platform saw a dramatic shift towards pro-Palestinian content following the escalation in Gaza. 

His posts, now predominantly focused on exposing what he terms "Zionist lies," have resonated widely, amassing over 2.6 million followers on X.

Anastasia Maria Loupis, a Danish doctor initially prominent for her anti-vaccination stance and conspiracy theories, also redirected her focus towards Gaza, doubling her follower count to over 1.2 million since October. 

Her controversial statements, including accusations about Jewish influence in US politics, have drawn rebuke from both allies and critics alike within the movement.

Alongside Hinkle and Loupis, figures like mixed martial artist Jake Shields have used their platforms to highlight alleged injustices against Palestinians, alongside railing against what they perceive as anti-white sentiments propagated by some Jewish figures. 

Their collective shift has not only sparked heated debates but also raised concerns about the integrity of their motivations.

Mahmoud Nawajaa, the National Committee General Coordinator of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement condemned these activists, cautioning against their exploitation of Gaza's suffering for personal gain. 

Nawajaa highlighted their histories of promoting racism, homophobia, and antisemitism, emphasizing that such ideologies have no place in genuine liberation movements.

Critics, however, remain wary. Liv Kunins-Berkowitz of Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) expressed alarm over the rise of these accounts, noting their past affiliations with ideologies antithetical to human dignity. 

Kunins-Berkowitz stressed the importance of promoting leaders and content that uphold respect and equality, particularly in the context of the humanitarian crisis unfolding in Gaza.