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Russia's Kazan nuclear-powered submarine arrives at the port of Havana on Wednesday, June 12, 2024. (Credit: AP Images)

Putin's anti-submarine warfare strategy poses serious threat to US homeland

Putin's anti-submarine warfare strategy poses serious threat to US homeland

Published :  
3 months ago|
Last Updated :  
3 months ago|

Recent developments have revealed Russian President Vladimir Putin's deployment of anti-submarine warfare tactics, posing significant risks to the US homeland. This pressing issue, reported by Fox News, demands urgent attention from the Pentagon.

Three weeks ago, a Russian fleet, including a nuclear-powered submarine, was observed less than 30 miles off the coast of Key Largo, Florida. Despite the Pentagon's assurance that this did not pose a threat, the situation requires serious reconsideration.

A former senior intelligence analyst at the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) with expertise in Russian strategies assessed the threat posed by Putin's recent maneuvers. According to Fox News, the Russian naval group, including the missile frigate Admiral Gorshkov and the nuclear-powered cruise missile submarine Kazan, was conducting "combat service" operations as per the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The Kazan, armed with missiles capable of striking targets 1,000 nautical miles away, and the Admiral Gorshkov, capable of long-range strikes and anti-submarine warfare, were testing missiles in the Atlantic. These vessels can launch the 3M-54 Kalibr NK land-attack cruise missile, the P-800 Oniks anti-ship missile, and the 3M-22 Zircon hypersonic missile, as reported by Fox News.

The Zircon, developed under Putin's orders, is a hypersonic missile designed to evade US missile defenses. It travels at nine times the speed of sound and performs low-altitude, evasive maneuvers, making it a severe challenge to current US detection systems.

Currently, the US lacks the capability to intercept such advanced missiles, trailing behind Russia and China in hypersonic technology. This vulnerability is compounded by Russia's possession of some of the world's quietest submarines, which can evade US detection systems.

According to Fox News, in 2012, a Russian Akula-class submarine operated undetected in the Gulf of Mexico for weeks, highlighting deficiencies in US anti-submarine warfare capabilities. This incident raised serious concerns within the US North American Aerospace Defense Command.

Anti-submarine warfare is crucial to Russia's strategy to deter US intervention in conflicts like Ukraine. Russia's ability to destroy undersea cables, essential for global internet traffic, could cripple communication and disrupt critical services.

In 2022, Russia demonstrated its capability by damaging an undersea cable between mainland Norway and the Svalbard archipelago. Russian submarines were also active near cables linking the US and Europe, showcasing their disruptive potential.

US Northern Command General Glen VanHerck expressed growing concern over the threat posed by Russian submarines off the US coast. He noted that Russia and China have developed capabilities to hold the US at risk below the nuclear threshold, aiming to delay or disrupt US power projection.

The risk of miscalculation and escalation between the US and Russia is high, especially given recent authorizations for Ukraine to use US weapons against Russia. The lack of direct communication and deep misunderstandings between Washington and Moscow exacerbate this risk.

The Biden administration's reluctance to engage with Putin, coupled with its underestimation of the Russian threat, leaves the US vulnerable. According to Fox News, the Pentagon's failure to develop countermeasures to Russian and Chinese hypersonic capabilities, despite significant funding, further endangers national security.

Putin has a strategy for confronting the US, while the Pentagon lacks a coherent plan. This professional negligence has left the US exposed to strategic threats that reduce the President's decision-making space during crises. Ensuring America's security requires electing competent leaders who recognize and address these threats effectively.