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New details on Jordan Street hit-and-run videographer

New details on Jordan Street hit-and-run videographer

Published :  
3 months ago|
Last Updated :  
3 months ago|

The Northern Amman prosecutor ordered the detention of the person who filmed and published the video of the hit-and-run incident on Jordan Street, which resulted in the death of two minors and left another in critical condition.

The prosecutor charged the defendant with four offenses: violating the privacy of others under Article 348 of the Penal Code, using information networks to publish data affecting others' privacy against Article 15 of the Cybercrime Law, using information networks to publish content affecting others' feelings against Article 16 of the Cybercrime Law, and violating the Penal Code by failing to provide assistance to a person in need, focusing on filming instead of calling Civil Defense.

The prosecutor decided to detain the defendant for a renewable week pending the case at a correctional and rehabilitation center. If convicted, the defendant faces up to three years in prison and a fine of 20,000 dinars.

The Public Security Directorate previously announced the arrest of the videographer who filmed and published the footage of the hit-and-run on Jordan Street, north of Amman. The spokesperson explained that the Cybercrime Unit began investigating the spread of the offensive video, which showed the moments after the accident involving three minors, violating laws and norms, and disrespecting the victims and their families.

Following technical investigations, the unit identified and arrested the videographer. The incident, which occurred last Sunday in Abu Nseir, resulted from a vehicle overturning and hitting the minors. The incident led to the death of two minors and left a third injured, who was transported to the hospital while the deceased were taken to the forensic medicine center.