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Crown Prince turns 30 on Friday

Crown Prince turns 30 on Friday

Published :  
3 months ago|
Last Updated :  
3 months ago|

Crown Prince Al Hussein bin Abdullah II, the eldest son of King Abdullah II and Queen Rania, celebrates his 30th birthday on Friday. Born in Amman on June 28, 1994, Prince Hussein is the 42nd descendant of the Prophet Muhammad.

Crown Prince Hussein was named heir apparent on July 2, 2009, and has served as the King's deputy on multiple occasions. He graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 2017, following in the footsteps of his father and the late King Hussein. In 2016, he earned a degree in International History from Georgetown University, and he completed his high school education at King's Academy in Madaba in 2012.

On June 1, 2023, he married Princess Rajwa Al Hussein.

Crown Prince Hussein holds the rank of Major in the Jordanian Armed Forces and currently serves as Assistant Commander of the First Tank Company in the 2nd Royal Armored Battalion, part of the 40th King Hussein Bin Talal Royal Armored Brigade. He has participated in numerous military training courses, including field training, paratrooper training, special operations, naval forces, and helicopter piloting.

He has taken a keen interest in supporting military personnel and veterans through the "Brothers in Arms" program, which aims to support retired military personnel and veterans as per royal directives. He closely monitors the implementation of the King's directives through visits and inspections of various institutions.

In his efforts to support Palestinians, Prince Hussein supervised the dispatch of a new Jordanian field hospital to Gaza from Al-Arish, Egypt, and facilitated the loading of an aid plane at Marka Airport.

Prince Hussein has represented Jordan in numerous international forums. In April 2015, he chaired a UN Security Council session on "The Role of Youth in Building Peace, Resolving Conflicts, and Countering Terrorism." His efforts culminated in the first Global Forum on Youth, Peace, and Security in Jordan in August 2015.

He delivered Jordan's speech at the 72nd United Nations General Assembly in 2017 and participated in the 2020 Global Manufacturing and Industrialization Summit. He also represented Jordan at the Green Middle East Initiative Summit in Saudi Arabia in the past two years.

Recently, Prince Hussein participated in an interactive session at the "Tawasol 2024" forum, organized by the Crown Prince Foundation, emphasizing the importance of advancing the education sector. His dedication to youth empowerment led to the establishment of the Crown Prince Foundation in 2015, benefiting over 2.2 million young people through its initiatives and programs.

In line with his focus on tourism, technical education, and vocational training, the Crown Prince Foundation established the Al Hussein Technical University in 2016, welcoming its first batch of students in 2017.

Prince Hussein has been awarded several honors, including the Independence Medal of the First Order, the King Abdullah II Ibn Al Hussein Medal of Excellence of the First Order, the First State Centennial Medal, the Royal Order of the Polar Star from Sweden, the Royal Order of St. Olav from Norway, the Medal of the Renaissance of King Hamad of the First Order (Collar) from Bahrain, and the Great Arab Revolt Centennial Badge.

His interests include football, diving, adventure, shooting, and motorcycling.