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Nasrallah calls for collaboration in face of ongoing battle

Nasrallah calls for collaboration in face of ongoing battle

Published :  
7 months ago|
Last Updated :  
7 months ago|

Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah said, "We must all collaborate to provide the elements of resilience in this battle which has an unknown duration."

Nasrallah added in a speech, Sunday, "For the past 100 days, large numbers of young people have been fighting, facing martyrdom, with their families and loved ones behind them. Their hearts tremble with every piece of news, yet they face it all with patience and reliance on Allah."

Since the outbreak of the aggression on Gaza on October 7, Nasrallah has appeared prior to this, three times in speeches that largely resembled each other in content, messages, escalation, warnings, and to some extent in titles. 

In his first speech after a month-long silence since the beginning of confrontations in southern Lebanon on October 7, 2023, Nasrallah outlined the contours of the ongoing battle, emphasizing the party's readiness for various possibilities. He sent clear threats to the United States and the Israeli Occupation, highlighting the strength of Hezbollah's military arsenal for a regional war. Notably, he mentioned the "civilian versus civilian" equation without providing further details.

In a subsequent speech on Martyrs' Day, Nasrallah maintained a similar political framework but introduced the idea of leaving "the field to speak." Despite defending the Syrian regime's non-engagement in direct military confrontation, Nasrallah refrained from direct involvement.

On the anniversary of Qasem Soleimani's assassination, Nasrallah delivered a speech after an Israeli Occupation attack on the southern suburbs of Beirut, violating established rules of engagement. He outlined implications related to the Gaza war and the axis of resistance, emphasizing restraint unless responding to Israeli Occupation aggression. In the final part, he described the Israeli Occupation attack on the southern suburbs as very dangerous and vowed retaliation.