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Former US Vice President signs artillery shells fired into southern Lebanon

Former US Vice President signs artillery shells fired into southern Lebanon

Published :  
8 months ago|
Last Updated :  
8 months ago|

Hebrew media reported on Saturday that a photograph captured former US Vice President Mike Pence signing artillery shells before their deployment from the occupied Palestinian territories into southern Lebanon.

The image depicts Pence surrounded by Israeli Occupation soldiers as he autographs the missiles.

Subsequently, the border region between Lebanon and the occupied territories experienced reciprocal shelling between Hezbollah and Israeli Occupation Forces.

Hezbollah launched numerous missiles aimed at occupation military bases, prompting a heightened response from the Israeli Occupation artillery with a barrage of missiles.

In a statement, Hezbollah revealed it targeted the Meron air control base with 62 missiles, achieving direct and verified hits.

The operation was described as an initial response to the assassination of leader Sheikh Saleh Al-Arouri and his comrades in the southern suburb of Beirut a few days earlier.