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Drug smuggler killed, others injured in border clash with Army

Drug smuggler killed, others injured in border clash with Army

Published :  
7 months ago|
Last Updated :  
7 months ago|

A source within the General Command of the Jordanian Armed Forces - the Arab Army, announced the killing of a smuggler and the injury of others, as well as the thwarting of the smuggling of large quantities of narcotics coming from Syrian territories in an operation carried out by the Eastern Military Command early Thursday morning.

The source added that border guard forces, in coordination with the Anti-Narcotics Department and military security agencies, dealt with armed groups along the border exploiting the weather conditions, fog, and the rugged terrain in these areas to engage in smuggling operations and cross the borders through unauthorized routes from Syrian territories to Jordanian territories.

The source noted that rapid reaction force vehicles dealt with these groups, applying engagement rules and directly firing at them, resulting in the killing of one smuggler and the injury of several others, while the remaining fled deep into the Syrian territories.

The source mentioned that (446,000) Captagon pills, (1,439) hashish bundles, a Kalashnikov-type firearm, and quantities of ammunition were found, and the seized items were handed over to the relevant authorities.

The source emphasized that the armed forces are committed to dealing firmly with these groups, addressing any threat to border fronts and any attempts to undermine national security and destabilize the security and stability of the kingdom.