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Jordan hosts Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership

Jordan hosts Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership

Published :  
1 year ago|
Last Updated :  
1 year ago|

Jordan is set to host the Baghdad Conference for Cooperation and Partnership in its second session in the Dead Sea.

The first conference was held in August 2021 in Baghdad, at the invitation of His Majesty King Abdullah II, and in coordination with French President Emmanuel Macron and Iraqi Prime Minister Muhammad Al-Sudani, and in their presence.

This conference is held to confirm support for Iraq, its sovereignty, security and stability, and to develop cooperation in a way that enhances security and stability and contributes to the development process in the region.

A number of leaders, representatives of countries and regional organizations are participating in the conference. The participating countries include Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Turkey, and Iran.

Additional participants in the conference are the Secretary-General of the League of Arab States, the Secretary-General of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf, and representatives of the United Nations and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, in addition to the European Union.

The opening session of the conference will be attended by the ambassadors of the Arab countries, the European Union, the G20, and the permanent members of the Security Council accredited to the Kingdom.

Also Read: Elysee Palace announces regional summit in Jordan

Earlier on Dec. 4, the Elysee Palace announced that Jordan will host an international summit on Iraq with the participation of France before the end of 2022.

It was announced that the summit aims to discuss foreign interference, in an implicit reference to Iran and Turkey, which have been launching attacks on Kurdish areas in northeastern Syria and northern Iraq for weeks, in violation of the agreements reached at the Baghdad summit.