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Source: Anadolu Agency

Here are the latest developments in coronavirus around the world

Here are the latest developments in coronavirus around the world

Published :  
2 years ago|
Last Updated :  
2 years ago|

Here are the latest developments related to the spread of the coronavirus in the world in light of the latest numbers, new measures and facts:

- The number of cases and deaths in Europe increased -

Despite the pandemic having stabilized across Europe since the beginning of August, the number of coronavirus cases and deaths are once again on the rise in Europe, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse based on official data.

During the past seven days, about 1,672,000 cases were recorded in the region, which is 18 percent more compared to the previous week.

An average of 3,120 deaths per day was recorded during the past week, a number that rose by 16 percent within a week. Currently, more than a third of the deaths recorded in Europe are counted in Russia (an average of 1,051 deaths per day), followed by Ukraine (485) and Romania (420).

- Lanzhou, China closed -

Tuesday, the Chinese authorities imposed a closure on the city of Lanzhou (northwest), which is home to four million people, and ordered them not to leave their homes except for emergencies, due to the high number of cases, about a hundred days before the Winter Olympics to be held in Beijing.

- European airports suffer "heavy losses" -

The debt of European airports has increased by 200 percent compared to levels recorded before the health crisis, and a number of them will incur “heavy” losses again this year, according to the European Airports Council International.

The organization estimated that the number of passengers who crossed at European airports this year is still 60 percent less compared to 2019, and will be 32 percent less in 2022, considering that a return to the number of passengers that was recorded before the crisis is not expected before the beginning of 2025.

- Hong Kong tightens entry restrictions -

Hong Kong will tighten restrictions on those wishing to enter its territory, which is already among the most stringent in the world, according to the city's chief executive, Carrie Lam.

- Evaluation of Pfizer vaccination for children between 5 and 11 years old in the United States -

Tuesday, American experts will evaluate giving the Pfizer vaccine to children between the ages of 5 and 11 years, and they will open the way to vaccinating very soon about 28 million children in the United States.

Members of an FDA advisory panel made up of independent scientists are scheduled to meet throughout the day to review the data provided by the lab. The opinion of these experts constitutes a fundamental station in the licensing mechanism in the United States.

-Italy administers the third dose to everyone-

Italian Deputy Health Minister Pierpaolo Celeri announced Tuesday that the third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine will be available to everyone in Italy from January.

"Apparently, the third dose will be necessary for everyone," he told Radio Capital.

- Switzerland allows a third dose for some groups -

The Swiss Medicines Agency on Tuesday approved a third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine for vulnerable people with the Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna vaccines.

Swissmedic said in a statement that this third dose "at least six months after receiving the second dose, can maintain protection against Covid-19 in elderly, sick or seriously ill patients."

- Merck: Paris orders 50,000 doses -

French health ministers announced Monday that France has ordered 50,000 doses of the anti-Covid drug developed by the American Merck Laboratory, at a time when the American health authorities are evaluating this treatment, which may be very essential in the battle against the virus. 

- More than 4.95 deaths worldwide -

The coronavirus has caused the death of at least 4,952,390 people in the world since the end of December 2019, according to a census conducted by AFP based on official sources on Tuesday at 10:00 GMT.

The United States is the most affected country in terms of deaths, with 737,316 deaths, followed by Brazil with 605,804 deaths, India with 455,068 deaths, Mexico with 286,496 deaths, and Russia with 232,775 deaths.

The numbers are based on daily reports issued by health authorities in each country and exclude subsequent reviews by statistical agencies that indicate much higher death numbers.

The World Health Organization, taking into account the excess mortality rate directly or indirectly related to Covid-19, considers that the outcome of the epidemic may be two or three times greater than the officially announced outcome.