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Associated Press, Al Jazeera release statements after offices bombed in Gaza

Associated Press, Al Jazeera release statements after offices bombed in Gaza

Published :  
3 years ago|
Last Updated :  
3 years ago|

Saturday, leading news outlets Associated Press and Al Jazeera released statements after the building that holds their offices in Gaza was completely destroyed by a targeted Israeli Occupation airstrike. 

"This is a very worrying development," said AP executive director Gary Pruitt in a statement.

"The world will be less informed about what is happening in Gaza because of what happened today."

Al Jazeera condemned the action completely, writing in a statement that the bombing was a 'clear act to stop journalists from conducting their sacred duty to inform the world and report events on the ground.'

The network promised to 'pursue every available route to hold the Israeli government responsible for its actions.'