EXCLUSIVE IMAGES: Roya joins joint media celebration of centenary in Basman Palace
In the first event of its kind, Roya joined two other Jordanian channels in celebrating Jordan's centenary Sunday at Basman Palace.
Presenter Fuad Al-Karsheh represented Roya during the visit.
The Palace was built in 1950 and is located east of Raghadan.
It was built to be a headquarters for the Royal Hashemite Court (RHC), housing the offices of the King, princes and princesses and the RHC chief.
The need for the Palace arose in line with the expansion of the Hashemite Kingdom and the increase in the number of institutions, which called for an structure to undertake the tasks connected to the Royal Throne.
The late His Majesty King Abdullah I named it 'Basman' in reference to 'basma' the Arabic word for 'smile.'
Additionally, King Abdullah I wanted it to rhyme with Raghadan, another royal palace.
The Palace is designed using combinations of Islamic architecture, Arabian heritage and modern design.
During the Arab-Israeli Occupation war in 1967, the rear of the Palace was bombed, but was later restored to its original form.
When His Majesty is at the RHC, the King's flag flies high over the Palace.