Men responds to #MeToo campaign by #HowIWillChange


Published: 2017-10-24 16:46

Last Updated: 2024-05-16 21:27


After thousands of women who have been sexually harassed tweeted "#MeToo," to show how widespread the problem is, men have responded by using the #HowIWillChange hashtag, that went viral on social media.

“Guys, it’s our turn. After yesterday’s endless #MeToo stories of women being abused, assaulted and harassed, today we say #HowIWillChange,” Benjamin Law, the Australian writer tweeted.

Law called for men to share how they will help handle sexual harassment culture, and men around the world started tweeting their thoughts on what they could to effect change in their everyday lives.

Here are some of the tweets shared by men in #HowIWillChange hashtag, although the hashtag unfortunately did not kick-off in the Arab world:







Earlier, the “me too" hashtag has been used more than 200,000 times, since women across the world are subjected to sexual harassment.

Jordan is no exception, with a high number of cases going unreported. A local study revealed that one in two female survivors of sexual assault in Jordan hesitate to file a complaint against their offenders, out of fear of shame or scandal.