'Land of Israel Lobby': Impact of largest Knesset lobby group in 2024


Published: 2024-06-30 14:16

Last Updated: 2024-07-02 11:34

Israeli Kenesset.
Israeli Kenesset.

A report published by the Palestinian Center for "Israeli" Studies "Madar" provides detailed insights into the "Land of Israel Lobby" in the "Israeli" Knesset, which is the largest and most active lobby group in the current Knesset. This lobby comprises approximately 52 members from various "Israeli" parties.

What is a Knesset Lobby?
A Knesset lobby is a group of members who aim to garner support for specific policies or oppose others. Any Knesset member who is not a minister or deputy minister can establish and work within a lobby during the Knesset's term. There are numerous lobbies in the Knesset, focusing on social, economic, and political issues.

What is the "Land of Israel Lobby"?
The "Land of Israel Lobby" aims to reinforce "Israel's" control and sovereignty over the West Bank and expand settlements. Established in previous Knesset terms, it works to apply "Israeli" sovereignty and law over all settlement areas and legitimize settlements within "Israeli" society. The current Knesset saw the lobby reestablished, holding its first session in March 2023.

Goals of the "Land of Israel Lobby"
The lobby in the current Knesset has two main goals:
1. Combat Palestinian presence and construction in Area C.
2. Expand settlements and ensure the implementation of coalition agreements related to them, including protecting hills and pastoral settlements and realizing the vision of the "Land of Israel."

Members of the "Land of Israel Lobby"
This lobby is the largest in the Knesset, comprising about 52 members from 8 "Israeli" parties, both from the coalition and the opposition. The lobby is led by three individuals:
- Limor Son Har-Melech (Otzma Yehudit)
- Yuli Edelstein (Likud, Chair of the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee)
- Simcha Rothman (Religious Zionism, Chair of the Constitution, Law, and Justice Committee)

Members come from various parties, including Otzma Yehudit, Religious Zionism, Likud, United Right, Shas, United Torah Judaism, Yisrael Beiteinu, and the National Unity Party.

The lobby pushes for a policy that views Palestinians solely as "enemies." According to Sarah Lipman, the executive director of the Settlement Council, "In the West Bank, there is an enemy who shoots at us and calls for our eradication every day – we must fight them."

In April 2024, the lobby strongly opposed any plan to return control of Gaza to the Palestinians, asserting that "the disengagement from Gaza cost us a heavy price in blood and economically."

The "Land of Israel Lobby" represents a significant political force within the "Israeli" Knesset, actively pursuing its goals of expanding "Israeli" sovereignty in the West Bank and combating Palestinian presence. The lobby wields substantial influence on current "Israeli" policies, making it a crucial player in regional political discussions and developments.