Cooler weather conditions await Jordanians


Published: 2024-06-21 17:33

Last Updated: 2024-07-01 21:45

Girl standing Infront of the Roman Theater in Amman.
Girl standing Infront of the Roman Theater in Amman.

The weather in Jordan saw a notable shift as a relatively cold air mass moved in, bringing down temperatures. The hot spell that gripped the country ended over the weekend. The ArabiaWeather Center predicted a gradual decline in temperatures starting Saturday, influenced by this cooler air mass, although temperatures remained above average.

Saturday's weather was relatively hot in the highlands and very hot in other areas, including the Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba. Winds from the northwest were moderate but picked up speed in the afternoon, causing dust in desert and open areas. By night, the weather turned generally moderate across various regions.

Sunday brought a slight further drop in temperatures, maintaining relatively hot conditions in the highlands and hot weather elsewhere, with some cloud cover.

The ArabiaWeather Center's numerical models indicated a possibility of unstable weather developing in parts of the north, center, and east on Sunday afternoon. This instability could result in cloud accumulation and limited chances of rain showers. Nighttime conditions were expected to be moderate to pleasant across all areas, with some cloud cover.