Spring break tourism in Mexico goes on, despite pandemic


Published: 2021-04-03 10:53

Last Updated: 2024-07-02 03:03

Source: Dallas Morning News
Source: Dallas Morning News

Every year, thousands of spring breakers head to Mexico to enjoy a week of sunshine, beaches and parties. 

Despite the coronavirus pandemic that has ravaged the Mexican healthcare sector, this year is no different. 

"The coronavirus thing is nonsense. Life must go on," one tourist told AFP. 

But residents of Mexico- a country that does not require a negative PCR test upon entry- are not all pleased with the attitude of tourists, with some saying it risks the lives of locals. 

Many hotels and clubs offer free and voluntary PCR tests to add to the feeling of safety in the Latin American country, which has seen over 200,000 coronavirus deaths. 

Some tourists are suprised by the lax policies. 

"It is the most shocking thing I've seen in the pandemic. It's as if Covid never reached Cancun," said one spring breaker.