3,500 Gaza children at immediate risk of death from famine


Published: 2024-06-18 12:45

Last Updated: 2024-06-26 20:51

3,500 Gaza Children at immediate risk of death from famine, health crisis (Photo: Getty Images)
3,500 Gaza Children at immediate risk of death from famine, health crisis (Photo: Getty Images)

Gazan Government Media Office issued a stark condemnation on Tuesday, accusing the Israeli Occupation and the US administration of exacerbating the famine that threatens 2.4 million Palestinians in Gaza.

Also Read: UN accuses 'Israel' of blocking Gaza food supplies

The declaration highlighted the immediate threat of famine, particularly to Palestinian children, with approximately 3,500 at risk of death due to severe malnutrition and lack of medical supplies.

The media office emphasized the widespread suffering across Gaza, exacerbated by a 40-day total closure of crossings leading to severe shortages in local markets.

It described the blockade as a deliberate policy targeting vulnerable groups, including children and patients, denying them essential food, medicine, nutritional supplements, and vaccinations crucial for survival.

Also Read: UN accuses Israeli Occupation of 'extermination' crimes in Gaza

Urging swift intervention, the Gazan government demanded the immediate reopening of Rafah and Karam Abu Salem crossings to facilitate the entry of critical aid.