Diyarbakır Fashion Show protests Israeli Occupation attacks with bloody wedding dresses


Published: 2024-06-08 14:25

Last Updated: 2024-06-29 20:31

Editor: Mohammad Alakaileh

Photos of the dresses from the protest during the fashion show.
Photos of the dresses from the protest during the fashion show.

A bridal gown company in Diyarbakır made a bold statement against the Israeli Occupation’s attacks on Gaza with a unique protest using bloody wedding dresses and Palestinian flag colors.

During the company’s debut event, models showcased wedding dresses splattered with fake blood and outfits in the colors of the Palestinian flag. The fashion show aimed to highlight the devastation caused by the Israeli Occupation’s bombings in Gaza and Rafah. As models paraded in their somber attire, images of the destruction and death caused by the attacks played on an LED screen, accompanied by the Palestinian flag.

Mehmet Kaymak, the owner of the bridal gown company, shared his motivations with local media. With 15 years in the fashion industry and numerous shows across the country, Kaymak emphasized his commitment to social responsibility. "I designed this collection to condemn the Israeli Occupation’s ruthless attacks on the Palestinian people," Kaymak said. "People are experiencing a tragedy there—children, brides, and young people are being killed every day. Our designs are a form of protest."

Kaymak stressed the need for global action against the violence in Palestine. "The world should not remain silent about this," he urged. "This is a great human disgrace. We must stand with Palestine through our ideas, projects, and designs. Everyone should show their reaction as soon as possible. Our stance is clear."

Sena Selen Bener, one of the models, expressed her sorrow over the civilian casualties in Gaza. "I condemn what is happening in Gaza," Bener said, explaining that the fashion show was a way to support Palestinians.

Ümra Tarık, who wore one of the bloody wedding dresses, reflected on the unusual nature of the event. "Fashion shoots are usually energetic and happy, but this show was filled with the sadness of what is happening there," she said.