Massive protest in Istanbul in support of Palestine, featuring Erdogan


Published: 2023-10-28 17:09

Last Updated: 2024-07-03 01:52

Massive protest in Istanbul in support of Palestine, featuring Erdogan
Massive protest in Istanbul in support of Palestine, featuring Erdogan

Thousands gathered in Istanbul Saturday in a demonstration called for by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to denounce the Israeli Occupation's aggression on the Gaza Strip.

Video footage showed protesters rushing to Ataturk Airport in Istanbul, where the demonstration titled "The Great Palestinian Gathering" took place.

President Erdogan emphasized that Saturday's stand is for the oppressed in Gaza, stating, "Just as we opened our doors to our brothers in the past and stood with every oppressed, today we stand here for the oppressed in Gaza."

He added, "We feel sadness for Gaza, and there are those who equate Hamas with Tel Aviv," and noted, "Tel Aviv was disturbed by my statements that Hamas is not a terrorist movement."

Erdogan continued, "Today, some in Turkey see Gaza as a distant area that doesn't concern us Turks, while Gaza was an Ottoman city nearly 100 years ago. It was, for us, a city among our cities, just like Adana, Mardin, and Gaziantep are now. Turkey will not be satisfied with just condemning what is happening in Gaza."

He said, "Unfortunately, they divided us and separated us through borders, and today they are trying to divide us through various provocations and tricks. Those who shed false tears for the victims of Ukraine, we find them today with no voice or sentiment towards the children of Gaza."

He added, "Oh, West, I ask you, do you want to reignite the war between the crescent and the cross once again? If you want that, know that this nation has not yet died."

Erdogan affirmed that the West finds itself obligated to support Tel Aviv because they are indebted to them, and this is the reason for their continuous support for the Israeli Occupation and their successive visits.

He emphasized the need to carefully consider the statements of officials in Tel Aviv, as within them, you will find plans of humiliation and betrayal that also target our lands.