Jordan ranked second unhappiest Arab country in 2022


Published: 2022-03-19 16:32

Last Updated: 2024-07-02 12:13

Jordan ranked second unhappiest Arab country in 2022
Jordan ranked second unhappiest Arab country in 2022

Jordan was ranked the second unhappiest country in the Arab world, right after Lebanon, in the World Happiness Report for the year 2022 issued by the United Nations on Friday.

Lebanon ranked first in the Arab world among the least happy, and ranked second among the most miserable people after Afghanistan.

The report included 146 countries, with Yemen, Mauritania, Jordan and Lebanon at the bottom of the Arab ranking in terms of happiness, and they came in 132, 133, 134 and 145 globally.

Bahrain topped the list of the happiest Arab countries, ranking 21st globally, followed by the UAE and Saudi Arabia at 24th and 25th, respectively, and Kuwait at 50th globally.

Libya and Iraq, despite the political deterioration and security and economic problems, scored two relatively advanced positions, 86 and 107, respectively, while Tunisia and Egypt ranked 120 and 129, respectively.

Algeria, Morocco, Comoros and Palestine ranked 96, 100, 116 and 122, respectively.

Yemen, Mauritania, Jordan and Lebanon came in places 132, 133, 134 and 145, respectively.

For the fifth year in a row, Finland was ranked as the happiest country in the world.

In the report, Finland, as in previous years, was ranked ahead of other countries by several hundred points. The top five, in addition to Finland, included Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland and the Netherlands, while Luxembourg, Sweden, Norway, Tel Aviv and New Zealand were also in the top ten.

Notably, the World Happiness Report is prepared by a group of independent experts. The experts take several variables into account such as GDP per capita, social support, life expectancy, freedom to make choices, generosity, and perception of corruption as well as the results of public opinion polls.

Among the factors that are thought to contribute to Finland’s happiness are the abundance of natural beauty, low crime rates, universal healthcare, an emphasis on community and co-operation and the very small number of people living in poverty.