Exclusive: Global leaders discuss Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza with Roya


Published: 2024-06-17 16:41

Last Updated: 2024-06-26 15:40

Editor: Ro'a Hanini

Exclusive: Global leaders discuss Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza with Roya
Exclusive: Global leaders discuss Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza with Roya

At the recent Urgent Humanitarian Response for Gaza conference held at the Dead Sea, Roya conducted exclusive interviews with several notable figures to discuss the international community's commitments and strategies to address the ongoing humanitarian crisis in Gaza.

The interviews shed light on the roles and perspectives of the European Union, South Africa, and Ireland in supporting Gaza and working towards a sustainable peace.


- Charles Michel, European Council President -

Commitments from the European Union:
The President of the European Council emphasized the EU's commitment to supporting humanitarian efforts in Gaza.

Since the beginning of the crisis, the EU has mobilized over 800 million euros in aid, coordinating with member states and UN agencies to ensure effective delivery of assistance, Michel said.

He highlighted the importance of political coordination and the EU's readiness to play a stronger role in bringing peace and security to the region.

Addressing Root Causes:
The President stressed the importance of international humanitarian law and the value of every civilian life. He called for an urgent ceasefire to facilitate the delivery of humanitarian aid and underscored the necessity of a peace process to ensure long-term stability.

Translating Conference Outcomes into Action:
The conference aims to gather financial and political support for Gaza. The President emphasized the need for international pressure to achieve a ceasefire and move towards a two-state solution. The EU's role involves not only making statements but also ensuring commitments are met on the ground.


- Ronald Lamola, South African Minister of Justice -

Immediate Ceasefire and Humanitarian Aid:
The South African Minister of Justice emphasized that an immediate ceasefire is an important precondition. He highlighted the significant loss of life and called for global unity in providing aid and planning for reconstruction. The Minister also stressed the need for international organizations like the ICJ and ICC to address Israeli Occupation's actions.

Historical Ties and Future Cooperation with Jordan:
Reflecting on Nelson Mandela's strong ties with late King Hussein, the Minister highlighted the ongoing collaboration between South Africa and Jordan.

He emphasized the importance of strengthening these ties to support humanitarian efforts in Gaza and achieve long-term peace and stability in the region. Additionally, the Minister mentioned the potential for increased economic cooperation between the two countries.


- Michael Gaffey, Director General of the Development Cooperation and Africa Division -

Ireland's Commitments:
Michael Gaffey highlighted Ireland's significant contributions to Gaza, including over 56 million euros in aid since last year and strong support for UNRWA. He reiterated Ireland's commitment to standing with the Palestinian people and its readiness to increase support as needed.

Promoting a Two-State Solution:
Ireland, alongside Spain and Norway, has recognized the Palestinian state, aiming to push forward the two-state solution and offer hope to Palestinians. Gaffey stressed the importance of a credible political process to achieve this goal.

Leveraging Ireland's Influence:
As a strong member of the EU, Ireland uses its influence to promote a renewed political process for a two-state solution. Ireland works with EU partners, Arab nations, and international friends to support the Palestinian Authority and advocate for Palestinian rights.

Collaboration with Jordan:
Gaffey acknowledged Jordan's crucial role in the region and discussed ongoing cooperation in delivering humanitarian aid. Ireland collaborates with Jordan and the UN system to ensure effective assistance to Gaza.


- Conclusion -
Key figures from the European Union, Ireland, and South Africa outlined their commitments, strategies, and collaborative efforts to support Gaza and work towards a lasting peace.

These discussions underscore the importance of international cooperation and political will in resolving the crisis and improving the lives of the people in Gaza.